



MHT-CET exam preparation is based on providing a thorough understanding of the exam pattern and syllabus. Our coaching provide comprehensive study material, including notes, practice papers, and mock tests, to help students prepare well. The faculties use interactive teaching methods and provide personal attention to students to clear their doubts. Regular tests are conducted to help students evaluate their performance and identify their strengths and weaknesses. The coaching also provide students with study resources. Overall, We aim to provide students with a strong foundation of knowledge, problem-solving skills, and time management abilities to succeed in the MHT-CET exam.

No. Particulars Details
1 Duration of Exam 180 minutes (90 minutes for each section)
2 Type of Questions Multiple Choice Questions
3 Total Number of Questions 150 (50 questions for each subject)
4 Total Marks 200 Marks (100 marks for each section)

MHT CET Result
